Join GMNC (membership fees and donations are tax-deductible!)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Check it out!
The stuff that used to appear here will now show up under "Grooming Report" and "News" on our homepage.
Visit us in our new location.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
4 Days to Vasaloppet- A Championship flight to Stockholm
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
March 2 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
February 28 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Board Meeting this Tuesday
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Comradery and Moonlight

Thanks to everyone who came out for our informal 20 year anniversary bonfire party. We had about 45 people in attendance and many fine stories were recounted around the campfire. Our hungry skiers quickly polished off the delicious green chili chowder, graciously donated by Palisade Cafe and Grill. The yummy desserts and drinks that members brought were also quickly devoured. The bonfire was hot and the company was warm.
The skiing was also fantastic, thanks to our hard-working grooming crew.
Thanks for supporting the GMNC!
February 27 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Grooming Update
grooming could not be finished Friday. Jon is fixing the problem and
will start grooming at Skyway/County Line by 7am tomorrow and should
be finished by 10am.
Thanks for your patience.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
20 Year Party Saturday (2/27) 4pm Skyway
11 Days to the Vasaloppet

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Membership Drive Raffle Winners
Julia Stevens, Joel Schaefer, Earl & Cynthia Rhoes, Valerie Krebs - REI nordic knit hat
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
February 23 grooming report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Donations at County Line
Just wanted to send a big Thank You to all who contributed in February at County Line. With Leslie's, Dave's and Christie's promoting of donations, GMNC has done very well at the boxes. But we had a RECORD breaking amount at County Line box and the table set up February 14.
The total was $759. This shows that the work being done is appreaciated by those who use the trails.
Ruth Wild,
GMNC Treasurer
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Grooming update February 21
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Almost 500
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Ski event and race announcements
I was met with 20 inches of fresh snow at 7 am and groomed sunset , winslow and Lyons . At that time a we decided to cancel grooming for today due to visability . We will resume Sunday morning . Jon
Sent from my iPhone
Grooming Cancelled for February 20
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Lost skis
On 15th February, I left poles and a pair of Madshus, no wax skis (red
and white graphics, 195 or 200 c) at the bottom trailhead for Ward
trail (where the outhouses are). I am now back home in Durango, just
realized I hadn't put the skis in after doing a car shuttle, and am in
distress about my stupidity and lost skis and poles.
If anyone finds these skis and would be willing to take them down to
Grand Junction, I have a friend there who would be willing to pick
them up and get them back to me. My telephone is 970-247-0914, e-mail
I realize this is a long shot, but hope springs eternal...
Thanks, Lynn Coburn
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
February 16 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Monday, February 15, 2010
20 year bash
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
- Lift tickets from Powderhorn
- Gift cards from Summit Canyon
- REI Nordic Hats
- Gene Taylor's Gift Card
- Coffee and bag from Blink Coffee
- Bike-tune ups
- private ski lessons
- Free rentals from Board & Buckle
- Palisade Cafe gift cards
- Cool t-shirts from
- Mesa Lakes Resort Coffee Mug and autographed book of "Touring the Mesa"
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Membership Drive Update
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
February 13 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Membership Drive
- Summit Canyon gift cards
- Nordic hats from REI
- Free ski rentals from Board & Buckle
- Free private ski lesson with Al Fournier of the GMNC
- Gene Taylor's gift card
- Mesa Lakes coffee mug
- Autographed copy of "Touring the Mesa" picture book
- Free lift tickets from Powderhorn Resort
- Palisade Cafe gift cards
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Membership drive postponed to Sunday
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
grooming for tomorrow cancelled
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
February 10 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
membership drive
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Trail Etiquette
- Snowshoeing - Snowshoers should use skate lane, and try to stay to the far side of skate lane next to edge of trail. Single-file is recommended, so as not to clog up the middle of the trail and block skiers from passing by.
- Climbing Up Hills - Classic skiers should step into skate lane when herringboning up hills. When you herringbone over the top of the classic tracks, you obliterate them and make it difficult for other skiers to use them.
- Right of Way - whether it's skaters and snowshoers or nordic skiers going up hill vs. down hill, the rule of thumb, is whoever it is easiest to yield should do so. In other words, slower skiers (or snowshoers) should give way to faster skiers and those going uphill should yield to skiers coming downhill. When in doubt, allow common courtesy to govern.
- Grooming In Progress -- if you encounter the snowcat on the trails, it's recommended that you step aside well off the trail, or if the groomer stops, for you to go around. This is particularly true with dogs and it's helpful if you hold onto your dog by the collar. We try to groom at times that minimizes skier/snowcat interaction, but sometimes it can't be avoided. We want to make sure everyone is safe on the trails, including our four-legged friends.
- Skiers with Dogs -- please keep dogs in sight and under voice control at all times. Also, carry bags (they are available at trailhead) and please pick up after your dog.
February 8 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
We've broken 400!
27 days left - a Vasaloppet profile

Ålder: 48 år
Yrke: Vasaloppsambassadör
Vilket lopp ska du åka?
– Jag ska åka tre lopp: HalvVasan, StafettVasan och Vasaloppet.
Varför du ska åka och vilka förväntningar har du?
– Vasaloppets vintervecka är en av årets höjdpunkter. Resan mellan Sälen och Mora är ett stycke svensk historia och att få uppleva det varje år är något alldeles speciellt. Liknelsen med en folkvandring är nästan uppenbar. Det är en total känsla av gemenskap längs spåret. Visst syns tecken på tävlings instinkt även bland alla motionärer men det är ganska oskyldigt. De allra flesta vill besegra sig själv genom att orka hela vägen till Mora.
Vad är det bästa med Vasaloppets vintervecka?
– StafettVasan tycker jag är en höjdare. Då deltar man både som åkare och åskådare och man får tillbringa en hel dag ihop med goa arbetskompisar.
Vem skulle du vilja se i loppet, helt enkelt utmana?
– Jag hoppas att mina barn kommer att vilja utmana mig en dag!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February 6 Grooming Update
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Snowmobile Encroachment
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Lessons Cancelled/Grooming Update
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
20 year celebration
32 days to Vasaloppet!

February 2 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Help us break 400!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Snow depths
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
January 30 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
GMNC-Mesa State-Grand Mesa Gliders Day One of race weekend
Mesa State Sprints
Here is a short video of the photo finish in the women's final. After viewing two different videos of the finish, we declared Western State skier Brittany Perkins the winner over University of Wyoming's Gwynn Barrows.
A hearty thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help. In particular, Tom Ela and Chuck Bodie, who came early and stayed late to make sure all was in order.
View it online here:
Friday, January 29, 2010
come support the Mesa State Ski Team and GMNC
The qualifiers begin at 11am, followed by head-to-head elimination heats beginning around 12:30pm.
The race features both collegiate and citizen's categories, with special prizes for the top citizens, and top masters (40+) racers. The citizens race will be held in conjunction with the collegiate race. There will also be a short kid's race (with the Grand Mesa Gliders) in between the qualifying round and the elimination heats.
Both events take place at Skyway on top of the Grand Mesa.
For more info, call GMNC race director Tom Ela, 434-9753 or email
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I arrived at skyway to find another 6 inches of snow just after 11:00 so I groomed most all the trails only loop three in the trees was left out witch will be first on the agenda for tomorrow . The moon rose at dusk and was spectacular . Enjoy some moonlight sking over the next few nights if you like that sort of thing .
Jon. Canty
Sent from my iPhone
Vasa musings:
Ski Lessons Change of Venue, this weekend only
ski lessons will take place at County Line this Saturday.
The beginning classic class will begin at 10am at County Line.
Questions? Call Al: 872-3868
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
January 27 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
Monday, January 25, 2010
January 25 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!
GMNC on Channel 4
skiing on the Grand Mesa this Saturday, January 30 at 6:30pm (on their
Colorado Getaways program).
Video will eventually be available here too:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 24 Grooming Report
Are you a member of the Grand Mesa Nordic Council? You can join for as little as $25/year -- click on the following link to join today!